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Skin Solutions
Treatments for Common Concerns

IV Therapy
(Coming Soon)
(Coming Soon)
Fitz Classification
Treating any skin type with inappropriate settings can cause permanent damage. However those with higher Fitz skin types are more likely to develop irreversible hypopigmentation or scarring. This is caused by the intense heat and light destroying Melanin (the site in which pigment is stored). For this reason some skin types are not candidates for some aesthetic treatments including lasers. Other options may be available. We understand that because of this, some of our clients may miss out on some of our current promotions. If we have sales on treatments you are interested in but are not a candidate for, we will offer a promotion on a different treatment that is suited for your skin type. If you have questions about which treatments are right for you please schedule a consultation.
What’s My Skin Type Quiz
Protection for all Skin Types
The sun’s rays (UV) cause damage over time to all skin types. Anyone who is spending time in the sun should:
Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or above.
Know when sun rays are most harsh- Check UV ratings and prepare accordingly
Remain in the shade as much as possible
Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses that block UV rays.
Wear protective clothing if out in the sun for extended periods.
Check the skin routinely for changes and seek medical advice if changes occur
Remember that UV rays are able to pass through clouds
Avoid tanning beds
For more information about skin cancer please visit the American Cancer Society (ACS)